The Team

Professor Paul Buitelaar
Professor Paul Buitelaar is Professor in Data Analytics and Vice-Director of the Data Science Institute at the University of Galway where he also leads a team in Natural Language Processing.
He is co-Director of the SFI Centre for Research Training in AI and co-PI of the Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics. His research interests are in the development and use of Natural Language Processing methods for knowledge extraction and semantic-based information access. He has been involved in a large number of national and international funded projects in this area, among which the EU funded projects: Monnet, which developed the lemon model for ontology based lexicons; MixedEmotions, which developed the MixedEmotions toolbox for multilingual, multimodal emotion analysis; and Pret-a-LLOD, which develops the LingHub repository for linguistic data, among other focus areas. He has further been the originator and lead on the development of the Saffron framework for knowledge extraction from text.